Microsoft Programmer's Library
Microsoft Programmer's Library (CD-ROM Database)(125-099-008)(Version 1.1a)(CDRM 162100)(1989).iso
Text File
163 lines
SHOWCOM.C --- Simple program to display current COM1
setup using the DosDevIOCtl calls.
Copyright (C) 1987 Ray Duncan
Build: C>CL showcom.c
#include <stdio.h>
#define COMPORT "COM1" /* COM device name */
#define API unsigned extern far pascal
API DosClose(unsigned);
API DosDevIOCtl(void far *, void far *, unsigned, unsigned, unsigned);
API DosOpen(char far *, unsigned far *, unsigned far *, unsigned long,
unsigned, unsigned, unsigned, unsigned long);
struct F61Struc {
int BaudRate; /* 110, 150, 300, ... 19200 */
} F61Info ;
struct F62Struc {
unsigned char DataBits; /* possible values 5-8 */
unsigned char Parity; /* 0=N 1=O 2=E 3=Mark 4=Space */
unsigned char StopBits; /* 0=1 bit, 1=1.5 bits, 2=2 bits */
unsigned char Break; /* 0=not xmitting break */
} F62Info;
struct F64Struc {
unsigned char ComPortStatus; /* bit meaning */
} F64Info; /* 0 Tx waiting for CTS ON
1 Tx waiting for DSR ON
2 Tx waiting for DCD ON
3 Tx waiting, XOFF rcvd
4 Tx waiting, XOFF sent
5 Tx waiting, break xmit
6 Char waiting to xmit
7 Rcv waiting for DSR on */
struct F65Struc {
unsigned char XmitDataStatus; /* bit meaning */
} F65Info; /* 0 write in prog or queued
1 data in xmit queue
2 char xmit in progress
3 char waiting for xmit
4 waiting to send XON
5 waiting to send XOFF
6-7 undefined */
struct F66Struc {
unsigned char OutputSignals; /* bit meaning */
} F66Info; /* 0 DTR (data terminal ready)
1 RTS (request to send)
2-7 undefined */
struct F67Struc {
unsigned char InputSignals; /* bit meaning */
} F67Info; /* 0-3 undefined
4 CTS (clear to send)
5 DSR (data set ready) */
struct F68Struc {
unsigned CharsQueued; /* chars received and waiting */
unsigned QueueSize; /* size of receive char. queue */
} F68Info;
struct F69Struc {
unsigned CharsQueued; /* chars waiting for xmit */
unsigned QueueSize; /* size of transmit char. queue */
} F69Info;
struct F6dStruc {
unsigned ComError; /* bit meaning */
} F6dInfo; /* 0 receive queue overrun
1 receive hardware overrun
2 parity error detected
3 framing error detected
4-15 undefined */
struct F72Struc {
unsigned EventWord; /* bit meaning */
} F72Info; /* 0 set when char read
placed in receive queue
1 undefined
2 set when last char in
transmit queue is sent
3 change in CTS state
4 change in DSR state
5 change in DCD state
6 break detected
7 parity or framing error
8 trailing edge of ring
indicator detected
9-15 undefined */
static char *ParityNames[] = { "None", "Odd", "Even", "Mark", "Space" };
static char *StopNames[] = { "1", "1.5", "2" };
main (int argc,char *argv[])
int action, handle, status; /* scratch variables */
int openflag = 0x01; /* DosOpen fail if device not found */
int openmode = 0x42; /* DosOpen read/write, deny none */
/* open device or exit */
if(DosOpen(COMPORT, &handle, &action, 0L, 0, openflag, openmode, 0L))
fprintf(stderr, "\nCan't open %s device\n", COMPORT);
} /* got device OK */
printf("\n%s device opened, handle = %d\n", COMPORT, handle);
/* now display device info */
status = DosDevIOCtl(&F61Info, NULL, 0x61, 1, handle);
if(! status) printf("\nBaud rate: %d", F61Info.BaudRate);
status = DosDevIOCtl(&F62Info, NULL, 0x62, 1, handle);
if(! status)
printf("\nData Bits: %d", F62Info.DataBits);
printf("\nParity: %s", ParityNames[F62Info.Parity]);
printf("\nStop Bits: %s", StopNames[F62Info.StopBits]);
status = DosDevIOCtl(&F64Info, NULL, 0x64, 1, handle);
if(! status) printf("\nCom Port Status: %.2xh", F64Info.ComPortStatus);
status = DosDevIOCtl(&F65Info, NULL, 0x65, 1, handle);
if(! status) printf("\nTransmit Status: %.2xh", F65Info.XmitDataStatus);
status = DosDevIOCtl(&F66Info, NULL, 0x66, 1, handle);
if(! status) printf("\nOutput Signals: %.2xh", F66Info.OutputSignals);
status = DosDevIOCtl(&F67Info, NULL, 0x67, 1, handle);
if(! status) printf("\nInput Signals: %.2xh", F67Info.InputSignals);
status = DosDevIOCtl(&F68Info, NULL, 0x68, 1, handle);
if(! status)
printf("\nRcv Chars Queued: %d", F68Info.CharsQueued);
printf("\nRcv Queue Size: %d", F68Info.QueueSize);
status = DosDevIOCtl(&F69Info, NULL, 0x69, 1, handle);
if(! status)
printf("\nXmit Chars Queued: %d", F69Info.CharsQueued);
printf("\nXmit Queue Size: %d", F69Info.QueueSize);
status = DosDevIOCtl(&F6dInfo, NULL, 0x6d, 1, handle);
if(! status) printf("\nCom Error Info: %.4xh", F6dInfo.ComError);
status = DosDevIOCtl(&F72Info, NULL, 0x72, 1, handle);
if(! status) printf("\nEvent Word: %.4xh", F72Info.EventWord);
status = DosClose(handle); /* an unnecessary nicety */
if(! status) printf("\n\n%s device closed\n", COMPORT);